Gustav Mahler: perilegomena k izvajanju njegovih simfonij št. 1–7
Oddelek za muzikologijo
Celebrating the International Council for Traditional Music brings together the reflections of more than a hundred scholars from various parts of the globe about the history, current dynamics, and perspectives of the International Council for Traditional Music, formerly known as the International Folk Music Council. The essays rely on expertise gained through examination of historical records and archival material, combined in many cases with authors’ personal experiences and involvements in the subjects discussed. Structured into sections on the Council’s origins and operation, governance, scholarly events, study groups, publications and expertise, and views of its members from around the world, the book covers the first seven decades of the Council’s existence in a systematic and comprehensive manner. It is by far the most ambitious publication on the history of the Council and its place in the academic and sociopolitical contexts of music and dance studies on a global scale.
Leto izida: 2022
Št. strani: 474
Tip vezave: Trda vezava
ISBN: 9789617128444
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