Methods of Music Analysis 2 C

Methods of Music Analysis 2 C

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Stefanija Leon

The course aims to present approaches to the analysis of music as it is included in different media. Music is itself an artistic medium defined by various forms of mediation: if for many years the basic form of music mediation was a live performance and in particular a notated score, the advent of journalism, the media field of music began to grow into a pragmatic field of different media that disseminate information about music. Today, the most important forms of music mediation are those offered by electronic media that are increasingly intertwined with those classical mass media such as newspapers, literature, radio, television, or internet.
The subject focuses on the phenomenon of music as an artistic medium that is presented by other media with their idiosyncratic optics. Therefore, the course presents the history, theory, and methodology of analyzing music as it appears in other media, especially in written form, in recordings and other symbolic systems (such as music, picture, photography, web forms of spreading and enjoying music).
Topics and themes for individual assignements are changed with every iteration of the subject.