Literature 3: 19th, 20th and 21st Century Spanish Prose
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Fock Ignac, prof. dr. Kalenić Ramšak Branka
The course is designed to familiarize students with particularities and with the most important authors of Spanish 19th, 20th and 21st century prose, and with the theoretical basics of narrative. The course also includes a detailed analysis of a list of prose works.
19th century:
Short prose; realistic novel;
20th century:
Short story, essayistic prose and novel in the literary generations at the beginning of the century; post-war prose development (1939-1975): influence of censorship, development of the novel – neorealism, narrative experimentation in the 60's and 70's; return to the realistic narrative in the 80'; postmodernism in Spanish prose at the end of the 20th century.
21. century:
Spanish novel of the globalization era; the boom of Spanish prose at the beginning of the century; subject variety in the contemporary Spanish novel; the bestseller phenomenon.
ALONSO, CECILIO: Historia de la literatura española. 5, Hacia una literatura nacional: 1800-1900. Madrid: Crítica. COBISS.SI-ID - 44627298
ÁLVAR, CARLOS, MAINER, JOSÉ CARLOS Y NAVARRO, ROSA: Breve historia de la literatura española. Madrid: Alianza. . COBISS.SI-ID - 12481074
BOBES NAVES, MARÍA DEL CARMEN: La novela. Madrid: Síntesis. COBISS.SI-ID - 35219810
GARRIDO DOMÍNGUEZ, ANTONIO: El texto narrativo. Madrid: Síntesis. COBISS.SI-ID - 35222882
KALENIĆ RAMŠAK, BRANKA: Izbrana poglavja hispanoameriške književnosti 19. in 20. stoletja, FF. COBISS.SI-ID - 275260416
PEDRAZA JIMÉNEZ, FELIPE B. Y RODRÍGUEZ CÁCERES, MILAGROS: Manual de literatura española. 9, Generación de fin de siglo. Pamplona: Cénlit Ediciones. COBISS.SI-ID - 28898402
PEDRAZA JIMÉNEZ, FELIPE B. Y RODRÍGUEZ CÁCERES, MILAGROS: Manual de literatura española. 10, Novecentismo y vanguardia: Introducción, prosistas y dramaturgos. Pamplona: Cénlit Ediciones. COBISS.SI-ID - 29726562
PEDRAZA JIMÉNEZ, FELIPE B. Y RODRÍGUEZ CÁCERES, MILAGROS: Manual de literatura española.13, Posguerra: narradores. Pamplona: Cénlit Ediciones. COBISS.SI-ID – 30656354
RICO, FRANCISCO et al.: Historia de la literatura española. Barcelona: Ariel. COBISS.SI-ID – 1577826, COBISS.SI-ID – 1630818, COBISS.SI-ID – 1578082, COBISS.SI-ID – 1631586, COBISS.SI-ID – 1631842, COBISS.SI-ID – 1632354, COBISS.SI-ID - 1635938
Dodatna in priporočena literatura:
BARRERO PÉREZ, OSCAR: Historia de la literatura española contemporánea. Madrid: Istmo.
RICO, FRANCISCO et al.: Historia y crítica de la literatura española. Barcelona: Editorial Crítica.
SOBEJANO, GONZALO: Novela española contemporánea. Madrid: Mare Nostrum Comunicación.