Descriptive Cataloguing
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 8
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Kuhar Maja, doc. dr. Petek Marija, prof. dr. Šauperl Alenka
• Cataloguing of library materials:
o Cataloguing rules, local and foreign
o Descriptive cataloguing of all types of library materials
o Headings
• Library Catalogue
o Development: past, present, future
o Types of records
o Catalogue maintenance
• Authority control
o Authority records
o Authority files
• Catalogue users
o Problems of users in searching catalogues
o Providing help for users searching catalogue
• Cataloguer as catalogue user
o Consistency of cataloguer's decisions
o Cataloguing tools
1. PREKAT. Ljubljana, 2001.
2. ZNAČKA. Ljubljana, 2001.
3. Verona, Eva. Pravilnik i priručnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. Dio 1, Dio 2. Zagreb, 1983-1986.
4. Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise. Ljubljana, 2000.
5. Vsi veljavni ISBD-ji.
6. ISBD international standard bibliographic description. Consolidated ed. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011.
7. Priročniki za COMARC in UNIMARC.
8. Tuji katalogizacijski pravilniki: AACR2, RDA.
9. Aktualno gradivo, izbrano pred vsakim izvajanjem predmeta.