Language A in Theory and Practice 2: Polish
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 105
ECTS credit: 12
Lecturer(s): asist. Nowak Marta, izr. prof. dr. Wtorkowska Maria Zofia, lekt. Podržaj Tina
The course upgrades the bachelor's degree knowledge, comprehension, written and oral language use in the demanding communicative situations (politics, diplomacy, economics, intercultural exchange). Students work with texts and learn about the structure and methods of forming professional and scientific texts. Understanding and summarizing audio professional texts (professional discussion, lecture, presentation, statement ...).
Student explore different stylistic processes in the formation of texts (especially those related to professional or scientific texts, such as argumentation, demonstration, persuasion).
Working with texts they also deepen systemic grammar knowledge obtained in the bachelor's degree study (morphology, syntax, stylistics).
They prepare oral presentation on a selected topic (semantic fields).
They translate texts of various genres with an emphasis on scientific and technical texts.
They compare different translation solutions and the individual choices and learn how to justify and defend them.
Different approaches to dealing with text styles and different conceptions of style.
Functional stylistics.
Pragmatic stylistics.
Stylistic means for adding (repetition) and omitting (ellipse).
Stylistic figures (tropes: metaphor, personification, synaesthesia, synecdoche and metonymy, periphrase, metaphor, parable ...)
Phonostylistic means (rhyme, rhythm, voice color and voice symbolism).
J. Černý, Dějiny lingvistiky, Olomouc 1996. COBISS.SI-ID - 7159138
D. Šlosar, R. Večerka, Spisovný jazyk v dějinách české společnosti, Praha 2009. COBISS.SI-ID – 42160226
J. Pleskalová (ur.), Kapitoly z dějin české jazykovědné bohemistiky, Praha: Academia 2007. COBISS.SI-ID - 29513005
E. Tabakowska, Gramatyka i obrazowanie. Wprowadzenie do językoznawstwa kognitywnego, Kraków 1995. COBISS.SI-ID - 12973666
J. Bartmiński, Językowy obraz świata, Lublin 1999. COBISS.SI-ID – 50881378
P. Stankovska, M. Wtorkowska, J. Pallay, (ur.), Individualna in kolektivna dvojezičnost, Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske Fakultete, 2012. COBISS.SI-ID - 264744192
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