Interlingual Communication and Learning Czech as a Foreign Language 1
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Stankovska Petra, lekt. Maltarić Bojana, lekt. Muchova Zuzana
The course upgrades the knowledge, understanding, written and oral use of the Czech language, acquired in the undergraduate program.
Two lessons in this semester are aimed at developing the use of syntactic constructions, word-formation rules, the expansion and appropriate use of vocabulary, with the aim of improving the student's ability to independently create different types of texts in Czech while learning about and taking into account the social and regional peculiarities of the language (stratification) and to he knows how to meaningfully include them also in the teaching of Czech as a foreign language. Students learn about the role of individual registers of the Czech language both in everyday communication and in teaching the Czech language.
Students learn to recognize the various social and functional genres of the national language and to meaningfully include them in Czech language lessons, while also being aware of the (in)appropriateness of using certain variants in texts in concrete language situations.
The most common social and functional language genres are presented on concrete texts and recordings from everyday life (colloquial language, i.e. dialects and superdialects; slang, jargon and other social genres). Of the functional genres, in the first semester the emphasis is especially on practical communication.
Since the majority of textbooks and tutorials intended for teaching Czech as a foreign language are dominated by texts of a practically communicative genre, students compare these materials with each other and analyze the texts used in them from the point of view of their relevance, relevance and interest for students of the Czech language or language course listeners.
The second part of lessons is designed to improve the ability of interlingual communication. As part of the tutorials, students analyze different texts or recordings from the point of view of linguistic genre (emphasis is on texts of a everyday communicative type) and learn to use appropriate linguistic means when translating into the target language. Written translation using aids (grammars, dictionaries, IT resources).
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