Anthropology of the Mediterranean S
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Baskar Bojan, prof. dr. Simonič Peter
The genesis and epistemology of the anthropological studies of the Mediterranean. Anthropological conceptions of the Mediterranean unity-in-diversity. Ecology and political economy of the Mediterranean. Political practices and social structures (the gap between the local society and the state, intermediaries between the two, clientelism, networks, social stratification and classes, political violence). Kinship systems (lineage, 'house' and kindred; transmission of first names and surnames; marriage transactions; postmarital residential patterns; Mediterranean endogamy, 'Arab' marriage, close marriages; sexual segregation and claustration). Mediterranean religious practices (co-existence of four religions of the book, hybridization/syncretism of religious practices, shared sanctuaries, syncretism of ritual practices, religious and ethnic identities, pilgrimage). Social uses and perceptions of space. Imagining culture boundaries in the Mediterranean space and current processes of the reinvention of Mediterranean identities (civilizational discourses, mythologies of the Mediterranean unity, national and regional strategies of affirming the Mediterranean identity).
Albera, Dionigi, 2006, Anthropology of the Mediterranean: Between Crisis and Renewal. History and Anthropology, 17, 2, str. 109–133. https://doi.org/10.1080/02757200600633272
Albera, Dionigi in Maria Coroucli (ur.), Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID - 49662562]
Baskar, Bojan, 2002, Dvoumni Mediteran: Študije o regionalnem prekrivanju. Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko in ZRSRS. [COBISS.SI-ID - 120719616]
Ben-Yehoyada, Naor, 2015, 'Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men': the Moral and Political Scales of Migration in the Central Mediterranean. JRAI – Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22, 183–202. [COBISS.SI-ID - 147334]; https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.12340
Blok, Anton in H. Driessen, 1984, Mediterranean Agro-Towns as a Form of Cultural Dominance, with Special Reference to Sicily and Andalusia. Ethnologia Europaea 14, 2, str. 111–124. [COBISS.SI-ID - 8147463]; https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c196/9e2e11d90c2abb845b853e4ca5dc59959…
Horden, Peregrine in Sharon Kinoshita (ur.), 2014, A Companion to Mediterranean History. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons. Poglavji: 1) Paola Sacchi in Pier Paolo Viazzo, Family and Household (str. 234–249); 2) Steven A. Epstein, Hybridity (str. 345–358).
Racy, Ali Jihad, 1996, Heroes, Lovers, and Poet-Singers: The Bedouin Ethos in the Music of the Arab Near-East. Journal of American Folklore, 109, 434, str. 404–424. https://www.jstor.org/stable/541183
Shryock, Andrew, 2020, Rites of Return: Back to the Mediterranean, Again. History and Anthropology, 31, 1, str. 147–156. https://doi.org/10.1080/02757206.2019.1684273
Schneider, Jane in Peter Schneider, 1976, Culture and Political Economy in Western Sicily. New York: Academic Press. [COBISS.SI-ID - 35809378]
Zhemukhov, Sufian in Charles King, 2013, Dancing the Nation in the North Caucasus. Slavic Review, 72, 2, str. 287–305. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5612/slavicreview.72.2.0287