Seminar Exercises from Modern History
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Balkovec Bojan
Through seminar work students are introduced to finding relevant literature and historical sources and using different tools. They are acquainted with the work of guides in archives, bibliographical manuals, working with statistical sources, working with memorial literature, writing reports on historical literature, working with different kinds of atlases and different kinds of archive material. They learn to make a scientific apparatus. They visit archives and museums.
U. Eco, Kako napišemo diplomsko nalogo, Ljubljana 2003. ID - 122802944
Grafenauer, Struktura in tehnika zgodovinske vede, Ljubljana 1960. ID - 1609473
R. Stergar, "O opombah in citiranju – kratki kurz za vsakdanjo rabo", Klio: Glasilo društva študentov zgodovine Slo-ISHA 3, št. 1 (2001), 25-31. ID – 99258368