Applied Slovene
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Tivadar Hotimir
On the basis of different text types, students analyze in detail the Slovene language system (phonetics, morphology, lexicology, syntax and orthoepy and orthography) and critically evaluate different language features in different West Slavic languages. Students are able to express themselves well in the written and spoken form (use of various electronic tools - from dictionaries, e-spelling to corpus and phonetic-analytical audio-video programs) in the most demanding types of texts (including scientific), while being able to compare these texts with other genres. Students learn about differences and similarities by comparing the same text types in different West Slavic languages and Slovene, compare translations of the same texts in Slavic languages they study (eg different European administrative texts in Slovene and Slovak) and perform contrastive analysis of translations of different fictional and other text types. Students use their knowledge of West Slavic languages (Slovak, Czech, Polish) in the creation of Slovene texts (summarizing, translating, interpreting, writing seminars) and with the help of a mentor prepare an independent seminar presentation and seminar paper.
- De Beaugrande, Robert, Dressler, Wolfgang: Uvod v besediloslovje. Ljubljana: Park, 1992. COBISS.SI-ID 1626888
- Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika I-V. Ljubljana 1970-1991 (tudi elektr. izd.) COBISS.SI-ID - 5680645
- Slovenski pravopis. Ljubljana: SAZU - ZRC SAZU, 2001 (tudi elektr. izd.) COBISS.SI-ID 114023936
- Tivadar, Hotimir. Vprašljivost nekaterih »večnih resnic« v govorjenem slovenskem knjižnem jeziku – na primeru samoglasnikov. Phonetica pragensis XI – Acta Univesitatis Carolinae Philologica 2. Praha: Charles University in Prague, The Carolinum Press, 2008, str. 59–74. COBISS.SI-ID - 38424162
- Tivadar, Hotimir. Podoba in funkcija govorjenega knjižnega jezika glede na neknjižne zvrsti. Obdobja, Metode in zvrsti, 22. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2004, str. 437–452. COBISS.SI-ID - 216918272
- Tivadar, Hotimir. 2015: Vloga pravorečja in njegovo poučevanje v slovenskem osnovno- in srednješolskem izobraževanju. Jezik in slovstvo 60, št. 3/4. 161–172, 252. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- Tivadar, Hotimir. 2016: Položaj pravorečja in retorike v sodobnem svetu: govorno neznanje in z njim povezana socialna diferenciacija. Slovenščina danes. - Letn. 52, št. 7/8 (2016), str. 135-150. COBISS.SI-ID 4184411
- Portal Fran. www.fran.si
- Hotimir Tivadar, 2003: Aktualna vprašanja slovenskega pravorečja. V: GAJDA, Stanislav (ur.), COBISS.SI-ID - 22292578
- Hotimir Tivadar, Urban Batista, 2019: Fonetika 1. Znanstvena založba FF. COBISS.SI-ID - 299696384
- Hotimir Tivadar, 2012: Nove usmeritve pri raziskavah govora s pogledom v preteklost. Slavistična revija. [Tiskana izd.], okt.-dec. 2012, letn. 60, št. 4, str. 587-601. COBISS.SI-ID 761092
In addition to the above-mentioned basic literature, students will use linguistic monographs (dictionary and spelling), which they learned about during their studies in their primary field of study; we will update this in our lectures. Sources will also include literary works, written and spoken media and recordings of public speech, available in the media and libraries or independently obtained, websites in different languages, and above all those findings that students learned in their core subjects of literature and linguistics will be applied.