Oddelek za slavistiko

Vabilo Veleposlaništva Ruske Federacije v Republiki Sloveniji

Spoštovane kolegice, spoštovani kolegi,

posredujem spodnje vabilo.

Dear friends,

We are invite you to participate in the scientific and educational program “Balkan dialog-2020” organized by the Public diplomacy support А.М.Gorchakov Fund. The main goal of the event is to establish a public dialogue between experts and young professionals in the field of international relations, economics, as well as representatives of the scientific community of the Russian Federation and Balkan countries.

The Victory over Nazism has the great impact for the whole history process.  However, do not weaken efforts to deliver doubtful validity of many historical facts to minimize the role of the USSR in the defeat of Nazism, and to start reviewing the results of the WW II.

In 2020 the project will focus on the problems of falsification and distortion of the history of the World War II. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, the event will be held online.

Scientists in international relations, well-known political scientists, historians, representatives of public organizations will attend the event.

Dates: September 15-18, 2020

Who can participate?*

  • young experts in the international relations, policies, history of the Balkan region;
  • activists of public services organizations, involved to the international activity and engaged in public diplomacy issues;
  • representatives of local and regional offices of local government bodies and government agencies structures;
  • students, postgraduate students and teachers profiled faculties;
  • journalists, specialized in the Balkan issues.

*Age restriction: from 20 to 35.

* Participants of the event will be selected by results of the essay competition on a topic «Perception World war II wars in the Balkans”.

How take part:

For participation in the competition, you need fill in a form https://gorchakovfund.ru/forms/14/

You will need to attach it a copy of the recommendation letter signed by the head of the organization or University / research supervisor, as well as submit an essay. (not more than 10 000 symbols)

End of application submission – 23:59 (Moscow time) on August 25. The results of the competition will be announced on September 1, 2020. All candidates will be informed by e-mail.

Languages – Russian and English.

If you have any questions, please contact by email: Balkan.dialogue@mail.ru

Сontact person: Sandra Stoilkovitch


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